Cómo escalar una tienda online sin un API Gateway

Imagine that you have a hypothetical online store called Indie’s Custom Threads. In this store, customers can order customized t-shirts, similar to the one I’m wearing with an API Gateway logo. Let’s go through a scenario to understand the architecture behind this online store.

Understanding the Users and Clients

In this scenario, we have users who visit the website and clients who interact with the store’s services. Clients can access the store’s products through various platforms. These platforms include a web application (which users can access through a standard web browser) and a mobile client (which can be either iOS or Android). Additionally, there is a third-party API integration service that allows the store to connect with external services such as social media platforms.

If a user wants to view a specific t-shirt on the website, they can do so through these different clients. For example, they can use the web application to browse the store’s products. They can also use the mobile client to access the store’s offerings. Additionally, they can utilize the third-party API integration service to interact with external services. This integration allows users to leave reviews or comments about the products they purchased.

The Product Detail User Interface

Let’s take a closer look at the product detail UI. This UI provides various functionalities and tasks that are divided into microservices. Previously, the application was designed as a monolithic architecture, but it has now been segregated into different services. Some of these microservices include:

  • Product Info Service: This service provides details about the t-shirt, such as its color and size.
  • Pricing Service: This service determines the price of the t-shirt.
  • Order Service: This service handles the purchase transactions and maintains the purchase history.
  • Inventory Service: This service manages the stock levels of various t-shirts.
  • Review Service: This service allows users to leave reviews and comments about the t-shirts.
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These are just a few examples of the microservices that exist in the application. There could be many more depending on the complexity and functionality of the store.

Architecture Pattern: Direct Client to Microservice Communication

One possible architecture pattern is direct client to microservice communication, without an API gateway. In this pattern, the clients communicate directly with the individual microservices. For example, if a user wants to view the product information, they would directly communicate with the Product Info Service. Likewise, if they want to check the price, they would communicate with the Pricing Service. This direct communication model works well for small applications. However, it becomes problematic as the application grows and more functionality is added.

Pitfalls of Direct Client to Microservice Communication

There are several pitfalls associated with the direct client to microservice communication pattern:

  1. Too Many Round Trips: In this pattern, there are multiple network round trips between the client and the microservices. This can result in significant latency, leading to slow page loading times and a poor user experience.
  2. Cross Cutting Limitations: With this pattern, cross-cutting issues related to different internet protocols can arise. For example, if the clients primarily use HTTPS, but there is a need for server-side protocols such as AMQP, handling them consistently across microservices can be challenging.
  3. Security Concerns: In this pattern, all microservices are exposed externally, making them vulnerable to potential attacks. A centralized hub or barrier is needed to manage and secure the microservices effectively.
  4. Coupling Issues: Microservices can become tightly coupled and reliant on each other over time. This can lead to difficulties in maintaining and updating the services. If one service goes down, it can impact other services and degrade the overall user experience.
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Given these challenges, it is crucial to consider implementing an API gateway to alleviate the issues associated with direct client to microservice communication.

Summary Table

Architecture PatternAdvantagesDisadvantages
Direct Client to Microservice Communication– Simple to implement for small applications
– Direct communication without intermediaries
– High latency due to multiple round trips
– Cross-cutting limitations
– Security concerns
– Coupling issues

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Is direct client to microservice communication always a bad option?

A: No, it can work well for small applications with a single, read-only API. However, as the application grows in terms of functionality and API requests, implementing an API gateway becomes essential.

Q: Can an API gateway address security concerns?

A: Yes, an API gateway acts as a centralized hub that can manage security for microservices, providing a barrier against potential attacks.

Q: How can coupling be mitigated in the direct client to microservice communication pattern?

A: To address coupling, it is crucial to carefully design and decouple microservices. Additionally, monitoring service dependencies and implementing fault tolerance mechanisms can help prevent cascade failures.

Q: Are there any limitations to using an API gateway?

A: This architecture pattern also has its own considerations and challenges. For example, maintaining and scaling the API gateway itself requires careful planning and implementation.


In conclusion, direct client to microservice communication is a viable option for small applications. However, as an application grows and more functionality is added, implementing an API gateway becomes crucial. An API gateway addresses challenges such as high latency, cross-cutting limitations, security concerns, and coupling issues. By leveraging an API gateway, developers can enhance the user experience, improve scalability, and ensure robust security for the microservices.

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